Wednesday 15 April 2015

Review for: Piccadilly Restaurant, Colaba, Mumbai

Sometimes a good dining experience is ruined by the people who serve it. This place seems to be an exception though. I wanted to visit this place one more time since my last experience wasn't too memorable to be penned down as an review.

As an famous quote goes "A recipe has no soul, You must bring soul to the recipe".
It looked like the staff working here are at constant war with each other. I experienced this in my last visit too. What started as an simple argument ended up with an very abusive fight. And frankly, no one needs witness an live AIB roast while dining.
This unpleasant "War of the staff-II" sequel made our dining experience a complete disaster. We ordered the Grilled Chicken (Tandoori full) priced 210/- Served with two Kuboos (Pita bread). The chicken would have killed itself if it knew it was going to be made in such an awful way. Mostly rubbery and tasteless.

Following the first disaster came the Cocktail Veg (Platter) priced 320/- which was quite decent aesthetically. But the assortment was quite weird, It had Falafel, French fries, Paneer gravy, Sauteed Veggies, and salad, served with Hummus and Kuboos. Except for the combination, the falafel, fries and the sauteed veggies were quite okay.

Since we had enough (of everything) here, we decided to wind up with a dessert elsewhere. But we noticed that almost every table had ordered the Caramel Custard and we decided to take the risk too. Priced at 70/- it was a decision we wouldn't regret. The custard was thicker and creamy than the ones we've had before. Perfect on the sweetness too.

This place is a one time visit if you dare to be undaunted by the behavior. Order carefully only after confirming there is no riot in the kitchen. Do not miss the Caramel Custard.

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