Wednesday 15 April 2015

Review for: Ramanayak Udipi, Matunga, Mumbai

It’s the delicious subtlety of the South Indian fare that makes you come back for more and more. Be it the crisp Dosa, the tangy Rasam or the coconut infused curries which goes well with a wholesome meal designed for people with a huge appetite.

And now imagine eating this same food every single day. Can't right ? Well, that's the case with many who have been frequenting this place for years. Sure enough the menu is tweaked a little bit every single day. But the mains remain the same.

Being born and brought up in Matunga, everyone had to visit this place atleast a couple of times as a compulsion. Especially on weekends or when you have sudden guests at your doorstep. This place came to the rescue as it was easier to carry home the perfect meal rather than cooking for the whole bunch.

If you categorize restaurants as Affordable - Reasonable - Expensive, this restaurant is the Most Affordable keeping in mind the cost to quantity ratio.

Now talking about the dining experience. Though you may find the place missing the hygiene as it's always overcrowded. They tend to maintain their cleanliness mark to a certain extent. One can even visit their kitchen on specified timings with prior intimation. Everything is cooked fresh and is consumed immediately.

The meal part consists of two varieties. One is a limited meal with servings approximately made to suit most of us. Ofcourse with an option of buying extra items thru coupons. The second one is for people with a hearty appetite, needless to say it's unlimited till you ask them to stop. The taste has been consistent over the years. And is rather appreciable for the cost they charge. Must Visits whenever you are in Matunga.

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